Unleash your selling

potential with us.




Expand your business
Reach new customers
Open your branded e-shop
Insight and data pricing

Easy, Efficient and Affordable

Are you in the business of selling dental products directly to dentists?

Whether you are a Full-line Dental Vendor, a Dental Distributor or a Dental Manufacturer, Enteethy can help you expand your business by giving you full access to our online marketplace.


Open your Branded e-Shop

Get exclusive marketing tools, plus customization features to build your brand.

When you open an Enteethy E-Shop, you can reach new customers by opening your doors to dental professionals across your country and, if you want, also abroad. You can have a place where your customers can see your products organized in a way that is easy to
browse and buy.


1. List

Select the products you want to sell on our marketplace and we will help you with the listings. The set-up of your own e-shop will be fast and easy!

2. Ship

You can decide to sell your product just within your country or to ship across the European Union. Once a customer order something, you will get notified and you just need to invoice, pack and ship!

3. Earn

We can boost your business and help you to reach your target customers. After the sale, we will send you the money directly to your bank account at the net of some little commission.

Register for a Vendor Account

* Campi obbligatori


Why sell on Enteethy?

Dentists can’t wait to see what you have in store

Expand your business in an easy and affordable way

Reach new customers and sell your products wherever you are able to ship them, without the need to have your own e-commerce. Determine what to sell, where to sell it, and at what price.

Your branded e-shop

Attract more buyers and drive repeat business with a branded storefront. You will have a customisable space like an e-commerce but cheaper, always up-to-date and hassle-free.

Stay relevant: go digital!

Digital is no longer an option. Reinforce your digital presence as part of your omnichannel sales strategy
to keep up with the time, retain your customers and not be left out.

Competitive insight and pricing data

Get access to up-to-date report and data from your sales and your customers.

Marketing Activities

Boost your presence, retain your customers and engage with them with exclusive marketing and promotional tools.

And much more…

The marketplace is in constant evolution, to always offer you what you need to boost your sales and your
brand and to make your customers happy offering a faster, flexible, and easier purchasing experience.